Enhanced Time Management 'being effective'
The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot!
There are only so many hours in the day, but it's not so how much time there is. but how to use what's available more effectively. With better time management comes the ability to prioritise more effectively, and with greater personal effectiveness comes increased productivity and less absenteeism and burnout, so it’s no surprise that personal effectiveness is a quality desired by employees and employers alike!
Every individual who attains a greater degree of success in their field does so through being more efficient with the resources available. By organising ourselves more effectively, acknowledging and streamlining our relationship with time, and developing an ability to make the most of what's available to us, there really is no limit to what we can achieve.
Why select this programme?
Our training will encourage you to reflect on your effective and ineffective time related habits, consider what you could do differently, and identify strategies that will empower you when managing your behaviour around personal effectiveness.
Who should participate?
Open to all. All our courses are fully differentiated to meet the personal needs of each participant depending on their role, experience and organisational responsibilities. We tailor content to suit individual preferences and learning styles.

Potential areas of exploration:
Email overload
Go get organised!
Slowing time down
From 'To Do' to 'Action'
Focus and Productivity
Prioritisation and Planning
Deadlines & Expectations
Beliefs and Values
'Being' even better...
Here are some of our popular courses and workshops that can all be adapted to suit you or your organisation
Perception, awareness and the ability to flex are all key in becoming a great communicator. Click to find out more..
Progressive interactions mean for more robust relationships with both your customers and colleagues alike..
Create the right kind of impact with an audience & your presentations will be memorable, succinct, and influential..
In today's world good isn't good enough anymore, so just how do you deliver an outstanding customer experience..
Through self-discipline and more effective organisation you can make much more of what time is available..
Relaxation and positivity can help build resilience to stress and develop the ability to self-manage and perform..
What challenges are you or your organisation facing?
What outcomes do you want to achieve this year? This month? Today?
Whatever is on your mind, we’d love to start a conversation with you.
Who knows what might come of it?